Club Premises Code of Conduct
A Member of Avoca Beach SLSC will:-
1. Agree to abide by the Code of Conduct
2. Be Responsible for the Use of Club Facilities in such a manner as:-
All financial members of the Club will have access to the shower and toilets via the Footwash Access Point. Members from the various sections of the Club will have access made available to them for their sectional requirements;
All requests for increase in access areas are to be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors for approval;
Non Members are not permitted access to the Club facilities;
Non Members are not permitted access to any Club equipment unless as part of a Club event or authorised by the Board of ABSLC;
Members who engage in anti-social behaviour, wilful damage to Club property or bring the Club into disrepute, or assists a non-member to breach the Code of Conduct or Access policy may, at the discretion of the Club Board, have their access to the Club denied, either temporarily or permanently;
Access to the Training Room, will be at the discretion of the Director of Lifesaving and/or Patrol Captains for Members to carry out lifesaving patrol duties or training sessions in such a way so as not to cause disruption or interference with the activities in the Function Centre.
Minors are not permitted in the Function Centre unless under the direct supervision of a responsible adult.
3. Abide by the Dress Code for Function Centre areas consisting of:
Footwear is to be worn at all times;
Clothing to include top and bottom for both sexes (note beach towel does not constitute clothing)
No wet clothing is allowed at any time.
4. Behaviour in Function Area:
No vigorous games are permitted in the Function Centre, including all ball games;
Hirers of Function Centre are responsible for their guests;
5. All areas of the Club are Smoke Free, including balconies, stairwells, or entrance areas.
6. Abide by COVID-19 plan by Federal, State and Club
7. The SLSA Grievance Procedure outlines what steps to take if you have a grievance with anything to do with Surf Life Saving
What to do if you are injured?
You may be injured on patrol, competition or travelling to and from carnivals, or, your property may have been damaged during these activities
All financial members are covered by Workcover Insurance, but it is important that all the forms be filled out as soon as possible. Contact the Club Admin Office as soon as possible for assistance.
Work Cover Injury Claim Form is available by clicking on the relevant topic